
Joint Statement of Uruguayan and Finish social movements against UPM’s plans to build a new pulp mill in Uruguay

This international cooperation of social movements shares a common interest in protecting our environment and human rights including the right to dignified employment and housing. Our aim is to protect the quality of life in our communities’ land, water, and people.

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National Citizen Petition: UPM2 NO

This initiative, led by a movement* of peoples concerned about the leonine agreement between the Uruguayan Executive Goverment and the UPM transnational company to facilitate the installation of a second UPM pulp mill in Uruguay (the third one in the country), not only questions the agreement but also demands that the Uruguayan government desist of […]

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Uruguay: the threat of a third mega pulp mill

In 2017, the Finnish company UPM signed a contract with the Uruguayan government to establish a third mega pulp mill. The project is subject to exorbitant conditions imposed by the multinational. With barely 17 million hectares of land and a population of just over three million, Uruguay is now home to two mega pulp mills. […]

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Organizations protest against the XIV FAO World Forestry Congress

On the occasion of the XIV World Forestry Congress, organized by the FAO in Durban, South Africa, between 7 and 11 September, we, members of the Latin American Network against Monoculture Tree Plantations (RECOMA), along with diverse grassroots organizations, are disseminating this letter of protest to express our outrage with the erroneous and exclusionary manner […]

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Tell the United Nations: Plantations are NOT forests!

At the UN’s World Forestry Congress in Durban, South Africa, in September, policymakers, industry and others will debate the ‘sustainable future’ of forests and people. But there can be no sustainable future until the UN and governments accept that real forests have nothing in common with sterile industrial tree plantations. The world’s forests are being […]

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Uruguay: Transnationals lead land grabs in industrial tree plantation sector

In the early 1990s, as a result of the Forests Law of 1987, the area covered by tree plantations in Uruguay began to grow rapidly, with rates of expansion sometimes greater than 50,000 hectares annually. In the first years of the decade, transnational corporations did not yet occupy a predominant position in terms of the […]

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Uruguay: New funds for industrial tree plantations

It was recently reported that the pulp and paper consortium Montes del Plata, a joint venture between Swedish-Finnish forestry giant Stora Enso and the Chilean corporation Arauco, has sold 45,000 hectares of land in the departments of Tacuarembó and Rivera, most of it covered by tree plantations, to the U.S. investment management firm GMO. (1) […]

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Fourth March in Defence of the Land, Water and Life in Uruguay

Some 20,000 people participated in the 4th National March in Defence of the Land, Water and Life held on May 10, 2013 in Montevideo, Uruguay. The march was organized and promoted by some 40 organizations from around the country, in response to the growing concentration of ownership and foreign control of land in Uruguay, where […]

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NGOs filed a complaint to United Nations against Stora Enso’s human rights violations in China

A group of eleven Finnish and international NGOs has filed a complaint to the UN Human Rights Council about human rights violations in connection to Stora Enso’s eucalyptus plantations and planned cardboard factory in Guangxi that led to land conflicts with two reported deaths and multiple episodes of violence The UN’s Global Compact (an initiative […]

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Montes del Plata pulp mill: “zero accidents”, at any price

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