
Posco: Destroying forests in India and establishing carbon sink plantations in Uruguay

Uruguay and the Republic of Korea have recently signed an Agreement for Investment Promotion and Protection which, according to Uruguayan government authorities establishes a framework for Korean investment in Uruguay. From past experience in Uruguay, the establishment of a framework for investment in this country may mean reducing or eliminating all taxation, granting of foreign […]

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A different view of the report on Botnia’s environmental performance

Press release – 12 August 2009 Data referring to the third semester of operation of Botnia’s pulp mill in Fray Bentos, Uruguay, were publicly presented on 10 August. The documents submitted concluded that “The environmental performance of Botnia’s pulp mill continues to comply with BAT (best available techniques) standards, authorization and criteria.” Yet, immediately following […]

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Uruguay: The Ence, Arauco and Stora Enso’s eucalyptus and pulp fairytales

Monoculture tree plantations continue to advance over the Uruguayan grasslands and now occupy almost one million hectares of land that was previously assigned to the production of food. On several occasions we have made reference to the negative impacts of these monoculture plantations on the environment and its people and in Bulletin 139 we included […]

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China: Eucalyptus plantations – from Finland with conflict

Eucalyptus plantations have become a harsh issue for Chinese farmers of the villages north of the city of Hepu in the province of Guangxi, south of China. Their collective land has been expropriated to make way for monoculture tree plantations. Behind the move is the Finnish-Swedish forestry giant Stora Enso, that plans to lease 180,000 […]

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Uruguay: A new land redistribution…in favour of forestry companies

In Uruguay at the end of the forties, the State promoted an exemplary initiative, the creation of the National Settlement Institute (Instituto Nacional de Colonización – INC), that arose from the need for a “suitable instrument to promote a rational subdivision of land and its appropriate exploitation in order to achieve the settlement and welfare […]

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Uruguay: A new land redistribution…in favour of forestry companies

by Elizabeth Díaz In Uruguay at the end of the forties, the State promoted an exemplary initiative, the creation of the National Settlement Institute (Instituto Nacional de Colonización – INC), that arose from the need for a “suitable instrument to promote a rational subdivision of land and its appropriate exploitation in order to achieve the […]

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Uruguay: Eucalyptus plantations degrade soils and release carbon

In spite of all the scientific evidence existing on the negative impacts of large scale monoculture tree plantations, the Climate Change Convention insists on promoting them under the false argument that plantations can alleviate the effects of climate change, acting as “carbon sinks.” The negative impacts of monoculture tree plantations in forest areas have been […]

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Tree Plantations in Uruguay (Paysandú)

by Raquel Núñez and Elizabeth Díaz “We lost the sunrise.” This is not a figurative turn of phrase, but a literal statement of fact, shared with us by the local residents of an area of the department of Paysandú invaded by plantations owned by Botnia. The Uruguayan countryside has agricultural zones and more populated areas […]

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Water, development and national sovereignty – With Adriana Marquisio

By Victor L. Bacchetta The 2004 constitutional reform that enshrined the human right to water and defined water as a public good led to the recovery of practically all of the country’s drinking water and sewage services as public services. But other key aspects of the law, such as the integrated management of water resources, […]

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Uruguay: Labour conditions in two FSC certified tree nurseries

For years now WRM has been documenting the social and environmental impacts of monoculture tree plantations. However, so far we had no information on the starting point in this chain: the nurseries where millions of plants intended for plantation are produced. Recently research has just been concluded on the labour conditions and use of agrochemicals […]

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