
Brazil and Uruguay: Stora Enso’s promises and the harsh reality

For some months now, declarations have been circulating in Southern Brazil and in Uruguay, both by members of the Swedish-Finnish company Stora Enso and by Government authorities of these countries regarding the advantages for the local population of the installation of the company’s pulp mills in the region. The president for Latin America of Stora […]

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EU President implicated in Forest Crimes: Greenpeace reveals connections with illegal logging scandal

A Greenpeace International report released today reveals how illegally logged timber from Russia is being freely imported into Finland to factories including those of Stora Enso, which is partly owned by the Finnish State. Finland currently holds the Presidency of the European Union and assures the world that it upholds principles of sustainable forest management. […]

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Partners in Crime: a Greenpeace investigation into Finland’s illegal timber trade with Russia

by Greenpeace Whilst the Finnish Government tries to assure the world that it upholds principles of sustainable forest management and forest protection, it continues to launder illegally and unsustainably logged Russian timber through its border into the European market and beyond. Between June and August 2006, Greenpeace documented widespread illegal logging in the Russian Karelian […]

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Letter for the de-certification of EUFORES, COFOSA, COFUSA and FYMNSA

Press Release – September 1, 2006 Organizations from eight different countries are requesting the Forest Stewardship Council –a labelling scheme that certifies good forest management practices- to withdraw the FSC certificate awarded to a number of companies in Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Ireland, South Africa, Spain and Uruguay. The challenged certifications in all cases involve […]

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Uruguay: The Botnia pulp mill project intends to profit from climate change

The Finnish company Oy Metsä-Botnia Ab (Botnia’s trade name) established in 1973, is the second largest pulp producer in Europe. It has four subsidiary companies, two of which are located in Uruguay: Compañia Forestal Oriental S.A. (FOSA), that has eucalyptus plantations; and Botnia S.A. established in 2003 to implement the project to install a pulp […]

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“Yes to life, no to pulp mills” – protests against pulp mills in Uruguay

By Chris Lang. Published in Robin Wood Magazine, August 2006. Tens of thousands of people have protested against two planned pulp mills near Fray Bentos on the River Uruguay. A recent WRM report documents the social and environmental problems with the FSC-certified plantations which will provide raw material to the mills. A major political dispute […]

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Uruguay: Four companies that should not be certified

In 1987 legislation was adopted that implied the promotion – by means of tax exemptions and subsidies – of large-scale monoculture alien tree plantations (mainly eucalyptus and pine) for export. It is thus that the country up till then based on agriculture and stock raising, started to convert part of its fertile grasslands into “green […]

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Testimonies about the impacts of large-scale tree plantations on flora and fauna

It has been demonstrated — although there is few bibliography and research about this subject — that large-scale tree plantations have serious impacts on flora and fauna of the zones nearby the plantations. Regarding flora and fauna, the greatest biodiversity in Uruguay is to be found in the grasslands (pradera) which are — and have […]

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Uruguay: FSC certification greenwashes monoculture tree plantations

Two large national plantation companies (FYMNSA and COFUSA), a Finnish company (Botnia-UPM/Kymmene) and a Spanish company (Ence-Eufores), have received the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certificate. This certificate enables the companies to assure that their “forests” (of pine and eucalyptus!) are managed in an environmentally responsible, socially beneficial and economically viable manner. At least this is […]

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Uruguay: Pulp mills and citizen participation – the World Bank in the limelight

A member of the Bretton Woods family since its creation in 1944 together with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank continues to be one of the main actors in drawing up and applying macro-economic policies in Southern countries, financing public and private companies in what it qualifies as “development” projects (ranging from the […]

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